
How to download .net core package using the command line in Linux

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To download the .NET Core package using the command line, you can use the wget command or the curl command. Here’s how you can use each of them:

Using wget:

  1. Open a terminal.
  2. Navigate to the directory where you want to download the .NET Core package.
  3. Run the following command to download the package. Replace <download-url> with the actual URL of the .NET Core package you want to download.
   wget <download-url>

For example, to download the .NET Core SDK for Linux x64 version 3.1.408, you would use a command like this:

wget https://download.visualstudio.microsoft.com/download/pr/1f8b26c2-1aaf-43b2-bba6-27a6c1bdaad5/6a2ac8a8c0b47ef7fd6b053dd5aee37f/dotnet-sdk-3.1.408-linux-x64.tar.gz

Using curl

  1. Open a terminal.
  2. Navigate to the directory where you want to download the .NET Core package.
  3. Run the following command to download the package. Replace <download-url> with the actual URL of the .NET Core package you want to download.
   curl -O <download-url>

For example, to download the .NET Core SDK for Linux x64 version 3.1.408, you would use a command like this:

curl -O https://download.visualstudio.microsoft.com/download/pr/1f8b26c2-1aaf-43b2-bba6-27a6c1bdaad5/6a2ac8a8c0b47ef7fd6b053dd5aee37f/dotnet-sdk-3.1.408-linux-x64.tar.gz

After executing the command, the .NET Core package will be downloaded to the current directory. You can then proceed with the installation or further use as needed.

Note: Make sure to replace <download-url> with the actual URL of the .NET Core package you want to download. Visit the official .NET website (https://dotnet.microsoft.com/download) to find the correct download URL for the desired package version and platform.