In programming, there are several naming conventions or casing styles used for naming variables, functions, classes, and other identifiers. Here are some of the commonly used casing styles:
- Snake Case:
- Words are separated by underscores.
- All letters are lowercase.
- Used for variable names, file names, and sometimes function names.
- Example: snake_case_variable
- Kebab Case:
- Words are separated by hyphens.
- All letters are lowercase.
- Often used in URLs or filenames in web development.
- Example: kebab-case-variable
- Upper Case:
- All letters are uppercase.
- Words may be separated by underscores.
- Used for constants and predefined values.
- Screaming Snake Case:
- Similar to snake case, but all letters are uppercase.
- Words are separated by underscores.
- Also used for constants and predefined values.
- Camel Case:
- Words are concatenated, and each word’s initial letter is capitalized (except the first word).
- Used for variable names, function names, and other identifiers.
- Example: camelCaseVariable
- Pascal Case :
- Similar to camel case, but the first letter of the entire identifier is capitalized.
- Used for class names, type names, and other constructs representing entities.
- Example: PascalCaseClass
These casing styles help make code more readable and maintainable by providing consistent rules for naming conventions. Choosing an appropriate casing style depends on the programming language, community conventions, and the specific context in which the identifier is being used.