Meta Tags If you are familiar with Search Engine Optimization techniques, it is most likely that you must have already come across a lot of information on Meta Tags. In this article, we simply talk about what Meta Tags are, their importance, the important Meta Tags and useful tips on […]
Adds an object to a bucket. You must have WRITE permissions on a bucket to add an object to it. Note // Connect to Amazon S3 service with authentication BasicAWSCredentials basicCredentials = new BasicAWSCredentials(“AmazonAccessKeyID”, “AmazonAccessKey”); AmazonS3Client client= new AmazonS3Client(basicCredentials, Amazon.RegionEndpoint.APSoutheast1); try { PutObjectRequest putRequest = new PutObjectRequest { BucketName = […]
When you download an object, you get all of the object’s metadata and a stream from which to read the contents. You should read the content of the stream as quickly as possible because the data is streamed directly from Amazon S3 and your network connection will remain open until […]
Every month, Malaysians spend money on family and personal needs such as food, clothing, rent or repaying bank loans. Based on data from the Department of Statistics Malaysia, the average Malaysian household spends about RM4,535 per month in 2019. 1. Housing In 2019, Malaysians spent RM1,068 a month on housing, […]
Being an entrepreneur is seen as the best alternative to finding a source of income. Entrepreneurs are often seen as those who are financially capable and also at a time when they are likened to ‘employers to themselves’. The status of ‘own business’ has always been a dream of many […]
Few weeks ago, Since my Kentico 12 certificate expired, I took Kentico Xperience 13 exam in order to maintain gold partner for the company and also to test my skills in the new Kentico Xperience 13 development. Here my tips on how to pass the exam: So here I go […]
Writing an Introduction Ok, now you have captured your visitors attention, you will need to draw them I not your introduction. Keep it brief and to the point. Create a value proposition, and let them know exactly what you are offering. Give the visitor reasons as to they should read on, […]
It doesn’t matter how fancy and high tech your site is, good looking graphics will not make you sales. Many online marketers make the mistake of putting too much time and energy into the design of their site, and not enough into writing effective sales copy. Producing a site that […]
Today I would like to share how to implement the required field validation for 2 fields – either one field must not empty. Normally when we using Kentico Form(BizFrom, custom table, page type), we want to make the field is mandatory, so we just need to tick on the required […]
This post is just a information on how hackers using malicious code formly known as ransomware to lock/encrypt all your computer data. First of all the hacker actually did not really hack your computer, they actually wait for you to make a mistake. Hackers will send as many email to any […]