To update the page status with a percentage using the cms:AsyncControl in Kentico, you can follow these steps: In this example, the AsyncControl_Start event handler is triggered when the async operation starts. You can perform any necessary initialization tasks at this point. The AsyncControl_Progress event handler is triggered periodically during […]
To update data in Kentico using the transaction method, you can follow these steps: In this example, the code is wrapped within a CMSTransactionScope to ensure that all the update operations are performed within a single transaction. This helps maintain data integrity and allows you to rollback the changes if […]
Here’s an example of how you can send an email from the code-behind in ASP.NET and Kentico: ASP.NET: In this example, the SendEmailButton_Click event handler is triggered when a button is clicked on your ASP.NET page. It creates a new MailMessage object and sets the sender, recipient, subject, and body […]
To read the Kentico class form definition from the code-behind file, you can use the Kentico API to retrieve the form definition for a specific class. Here’s an example of how you can do it: In the above example, replace “Your.Class.Name” with the actual name of the Kentico class for […]
In this article you will learn how to: Before I start, I assume you already logged in to Amazon Cloud Console dashboard. Create Amazon S3 bucket Setup CloudFront distribution Once Done, click on the distribution we just created and navitage to Origins tab Create user and give permission to access […]
Recently I have upgraded one of the projects from Kentico 8.2.XX to Kentico 12. After the upgrade, I think there is no issue since the project using Kentico features without customization until I tried to add a new column in Biz Form and trying to save the new field but […]
Web API is a framework that helps you to create and develop HTTP based RESTFUL services to be consumed by a 3rd party system. This feature can be useful to reach a broad range of clients including different platforms such as mobile applications, software, or web-based application. You can develop […]
Few weeks ago, Since my Kentico 12 certificate expired, I took Kentico Xperience 13 exam in order to maintain gold partner for the company and also to test my skills in the new Kentico Xperience 13 development. Here my tips on how to pass the exam: So here I go […]
Today I would like to share how to implement the required field validation for 2 fields – either one field must not empty. Normally when we using Kentico Form(BizFrom, custom table, page type), we want to make the field is mandatory, so we just need to tick on the required […]
I believe when you start getting to customize Kentico you will referring to Kentico API section in CMS(Old Kentico) and also Kentico API documentation online. Here I share with you some code snippet you can use for your kentico projects. What is code snippet? Before I share my code snippet, […]